Serves 1- 2
4 slices of your favorite bread (I recommend a soft whole grain. I use Shar whole grain gluten free)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 egg
5 tablespoons coconut milk
1 teaspoon coconut palm sugar
2 dashes of cinnamon
pinch of salt
handful of blueberries
handful walnuts
4 tablespoons pure grade B maple syrup
grass- fed ghee for frying (ghee is clarified butter which is 99% casein free in most cases, depending on the manufacturer. I use Organic Valley)

In a flat plate, beat the egg with coconut milk, salt, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla. Dip each piece of bread several times on each side to coat well. Heat a cast- iron skillet on medium and melt a bit of ghee, just enough to coat the bottom. Ghee melts more easily than butter and is great for cooking, not to mention it has a healthy dose of omega 3 fatty acids (only in grass- fed dairy & beef btw). Fry each piece of toast just until golden on each side and serve immediately with raw walnuts and fresh blueberries, topped with some maple syrup. Enjoy!