This has become a popular request in my household for many reasons. It tastes like an orange cream soft serve ice cream or sherbet, it’s easy on the tummy and fast! I feel good about serving it because it’s nutrient-dense and my girls love it…no brainer! In fact, I sneak in their omega 3 DHA supplement which also has an orange flavor, and they have no idea!😉😁 This orange creamsicle smoothie is packed with vitamin C, probiotics, potassium, and good fat. I usually have enough left over (after 5 smoothie servings) to pour into popsicle molds and freeze within a few hours. Snack and dessert. Done!

The Recipe
1 cup Keifer (I use cashew milk based Forager)
2 whole oranges, peeled
2/3 cup frozen mango
1.5 Bananas (I usually add the remaining half to my smoothie-ready bag of frozen bananas).
Juice of 1 Lemon
1/2 cup whole coconut milk (the canned type)*
Put all ingredients into a high speed blender like a Vitamix and blend until smooth. This may take a little longer than your usual smoothie because of the whole orange pulp, but the Vitamix does an amazing job of making anything velvety smooth!
*It’s important to choose the full-fat, whole coconut milk as this kind has no fillers added and is much more nutritious, as well as the best choice for making smoothies and pops with a creamy texture and taste.